Cuttlefish are caught for food in the Mediterranean, East Asia, the English Channel, and elsewhere.
In East Asia, dried, shredded cuttlefish is a popular snack food.
In the Qing Dynasty manual of Chinese gastronomy, the Suiyuan shidan, the roe of the cuttlefish is considered a difficult to prepare but sought-after delicacy.
Cuttlefish are quite popular in Europe.
For example, in northeast Italy, they are used in risotto al nero di seppia (risotto with cuttlefish ink), also found in Croatia and Montenegro as crni rižot (black risotto).
Spanish cuisine, especially that of the western coastal regions, uses cuttlefish and squid ink in a variety of tapas and dishes such as Arròs negre.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cuttlefish?
No, they can’t, unfortunately, they are too salty for guinea pigs to eat.
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