Lemon thyme is a variation of the popular herb Thyme.
It has larger leaves than thyme and is grown across Europe especially in the Mediterranean region.
It is known for its lemony tang and for being used for its seasoning and flavouring qualities.
So if we can eat can guinea pigs eat lemon thyme and if so how much can they eat?
Lets take a look and find out by taking a look at its nutritional data.
As usual, we’ll look particularly at the calcium, sugar, phosphorus, fat and oxelate acid content as that is most pertinent for guinea pigs.
Energy 101 Kcal 5%
Carbohydrates 24.45 g 18%
Protein 5.56 g 10%
Total Fat 1.68 g 8.4%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 14.0 g 37%
Folates 45 µg 11%
Niacin 1.824 mg 11%
Pantothenic acid 0.409 mg 8%
Pyridoxine 0.348 mg 27%
Riboflavin 0.471 mg 36%
Thiamin 0.48 mg 4%
Vitamin-A 4751 IU 158%
Vitamin-C 160.1 mg 266%
Sodium 9 mg 0.5%
Potassium 609 mg 13%
Calcium 405 mg 40.5%
Iron 17.45 mg 218%
Magnesium 160 mg 40%
Manganese 1.719 mg 75%
Manganese 106 mg 15%
Zinc 1.81 mg 16.5%
Carotene-ß 2851 µg —
source nutrition and you
As you can see lemon thyme has a very high amount of calcium, is quite acidic, and quite a bit of fat.
However, it does contain an extraordinarily high amount of vitamin c.
Because of the calcium content it lemon thyme not a good food for guinea pigs to eat despite its vitamin c content so look for other veggies, herbs to feed your piggies. There are some really good ones out there much better than lemon thyme.