Salt is essential to the health of humans and other animals, and it is one of the five basic taste sensations.
It is used in many cuisines around the world, and it is often found in salt shakers on diners’ eating tables for their personal use on food.
Salt is also an ingredient in many manufactured foodstuffs.
Table salt is a refined salt containing about 97 to 99 percent sodium chloride.
Salt is a preservative that is used in foods to bring flavor to them. It is widely used around the world for various uses.
Can guinea pigs eat salt?
So can guinea pigs eat salt, and if they can how much can they eat of it?
Unfortunately, salt is incredibly bad for guinea pigs if they have too much of it. Just like it is with us, humans.
But a small amount is fine for them to eat and won’t do them any harm. But do treat it with caution though.
For more foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat, check out our GUINEA PIG FOOD LIST.