One of the things about guinea pigs is that’s they need to eat.
In order to do this, they need regular foods to chew on day and night to keep their teeth from growing.
One of the foods that they absolutely love is Timothy hay.
What is Timothy hay?
Timothy hay is dried Timothy grass which is a type of grass found in Europe.
When grown in its natural habitat it can grow from 48cm to 150cm tall depending on the conditions and the soil it grows in. It typically grows in heavy soils, but if it happens to grow in dry and sandy soils it can survive as well.
As a grass, it has a flowerhead and pink stamen
It has leaves that grow up to 40 cm long
To turn into Timothy hay, timothy grass is dried but the great thing about this type of hay is that it keeps its green color and its freshness.
This is what makes it so popular with guinea pigs.
By having hay and in particular types such as Meadow hay or Timothy hay it enables guinea pigs to be able to chew on a consist basis.
We’ve seen how good Timothy hay is for them and the benefits it brings to your guinea pigs.
However is Timothy hay a food that they can over-eat?
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Too Much Timothy Hay?
If you feed Timothy hay to guinea pigs regularly they will eat because they love it.
However, it is a food that they can eat all the time and it isn’t bad for them at all.
In fact, it is good for them.
So don’t be so concerned about guinea pigs eating too much Timothy hay as you’re actually doing them good by doing so.
This is because the nutrients that it contains are of real benefit to them and barely contain anything of detriment to them.
For more information on Timothy Hay, check out this post here